The treatment that allows emotional release connected to our different organs (specific to Traditional Chinese Medicine), for more letting go and joy on all levels!
Expanse Therapy is a global treatment lasting one hour, divided into three main areas: the head, heart, and belly, combined with two essential oil blends chosen for their therapeutic properties.
Why these three areas? The majority of illnesses are caused by stress, overwork, and emotions stored in the head, heart, and belly. By targeting these three zones, we address over 240 million neurons and hormones, thus improving our well-being. This therapy activates happiness hormones, releases trauma and deeply embedded emotions, drains toxins, and enhances overall body function.
The therapy begins with an anamnesis to identify your profile and offers a series of 4 treatments with personalized follow-up. It also incorporates sound therapy with a soundtrack calibrated to specific frequencies for each treated area, aiming to release tensions and emotional blockages.
This treatment stimulates the five senses and offers a powerful sensory journey that promotes deep letting go, an antidepressant effect, and a boost of good mood, creating a true therapy for joy and emotional liberation!
Expanse Therapy est un soin global d'une heure réparti sur 3 axes : crâne, cœur, et ventre, combiné à 2 synergies d’huiles essentielles choisies pour leurs vertus.
Pourquoi ces trois parties ? Une majorité des maladies sont dues au stress, au surmenage et aux émotions stockées dans la tête, le cœur, et le ventre.
En agissant sur ces 3 zones, on agit sur plus de 240 millions de neurones et hormones, améliorant ainsi notre bien-être. On active les hormones du bonheur, dénoue les traumas et émotions ancrés, draine les toxines et facilite un meilleur fonctionnement du corps.
La thérapie commence par une anamnèse pour identifier votre profil et propose une cure de 4 soins avec suivi personnalisé. Elle associe aussi la sonothérapie avec une bande son calibrée sur des fréquences spécifiques pour chaque zone traitée, visant les tensions et blocages émotionnels.
Ce traitement stimule les 5 sens et offre un puissant voyage sensoriel permettant un grand lâcher-prise, un effet antidépresseur, et un boost de bonne humeur, créant ainsi une véritable thérapie de la joie et de libération !
During this training, you will learn step by step and at your own pace how to practice the complete treatment.
You will have the opportunity to work on the strategic points of the body: the head, the heart, and the abdomen. You will also discover the role and importance of the essential and plant oil synergies used during the massage.
You have a kind-hearted nature, you love bringing happiness to others and sharing love, and you’re looking for an additional source of income or to start working independently?
Then this training is made for you!The Expanse Therapy online course is open to all wellness enthusiasts, with no prerequisites in the field. You will then be able to practice it at your own pace, either as a professional in your practice or on your loved ones.
14 days to prove that this training is really worth it.
To reassure you about the quality of our online course, we’ve decided to offer you the opportunity to test the training for 14 days and decide if it meets your expectations.
If you are not satisfied with the course content, you will be immediately refunded* upon receiving your request via email at: : [email protected]
*Provided that less than 10% of the course has been viewed, meaning one video module. Our team will perform verifications.
Your training
Exceptionally $540€ $369
For a limited time.
- Training on the complete holistic method with a full training video for practice, an MP3 sound track, and 2 detailed PDF manuals (55 pages), with step-by-step instructions and a comprehensive review.
- Explanation of the physical and psychological properties of the essential oils used in this treatment.
- Detailed instruction on each "hormone of happiness" and their release through massage.
- Certification upon completion, allowing you to practice in a private or professional setting. You can request your certificate once you have completed the course.
- Ongoing support and guidance from our team at the Federation to help you grow your practice.
BONUS: Complimentary audio program "Unlimited Consciousness," valued at $80.
- Enseignement de l’ensemble de cette méthode holistique avec une vidéo de formation complète pour s’entraîner, une bande son MP3 et 2 manuels PDF détaillés de 55 pages, avec une présentation étape par étape et une révision globale.
- Explication sur les propriétés (physique et psychique) des huiles essentielles utilisées pour ce travail.
- Enseignement détaillé de chaque hormone du bonheur et de leur libération par le massage.
- Obtention d’un certificat de formation, pour pratiquer en cabinet ou en privé dans un cadre familial.
- Support et accompagnement par notre équipe de la Fédération, pour vous aider à développer votre activité.