Life Head Lift

The 5 Continents Massage Federation

The first treatment that addresses the entire body and aesthetics in a single session.

Receiving a lifting massage is beneficial for the skin and has an anti-aging effect, but this effect is limited without prior preparation.

The LHL treatment works in advance to release energy, emotions, and body traumas, which enhances the lifting effect.

This unique treatment includes a cranial massage, craniosacral and cranial osteopathy techniques, Chinese, Derwish, Japanese, Aboriginal, and Indian massages, as well as eye and facial yoga, shiatsu, Qi Gong, and auriculotherapy. It ends with a drainage and modeling of the face and neck.

The skin, connected to the brain through neurotransmitters, reacts to the massages by awakening the consciousness of the body and organs. An elixir of essential oils and plants, applied during the treatment, rejuvenates and improves the skin.

1 hour and 20 minutes of treatment provides cellular renewal and a reconnection to the essence of life.

Découvrez la raison d'être de la formation

Recevoir un massage lifting est bénéfique pour la peau et a un effet anti-âge, mais cet effet est limité sans préparation préalable.

Le soin LHL travaille en amont pour libérer l'énergie, les émotions et les traumas corporels, ce qui améliore l'effet lifting.Ce soin unique inclut un massage crânien, des techniques de craniosacral et d’ostéopathie crânienne, des massages chinois, Derwiche, japonais, aborigènes et indiens, ainsi que le yoga des yeux et du visage, le shiatsu, le Gi-gong, et l’auriculothérapie. Il se termine par un drainage et un modelage du visage et du cou.

La peau, reliée au cerveau par les neurotransmetteurs, réagit aux massages en réveillant la conscience du corps et des organes. Un élixir d’huiles essentielles et de plantes, appliqué durant le soin, rajeunit et améliore la peau.

1h20 de soin procure un renouveau cellulaire et une reconnexion à l’essence de vie.

Find out more about training

What you will learn...

In this training, you will learn step by step and at your own pace how to practice the full treatment.

You will have the opportunity to work on the strategic points of the head: Cranial Massage, Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Chinese Massage, Reflexology Points, Auriculotherapy, and Lifting. You will also discover the role and importance of the essential and plant-based oil synergies used during the massage.

Why should you take this training?

You have a kind-hearted nature, enjoy bringing happiness to others, and sharing love, and you're looking for an additional income or to start your own business? Then this training is perfect for you!

The LHL online training is open to all wellness enthusiasts, with no prior requirements in the field. You will then be able to practice it as a professional in your practice or on your loved ones.


14 days to prove that this training is really worth it.

To reassure you about the quality of our online training, we are offering you the opportunity to test the training for 14 days and decide if it meets your expectations.

If you are not satisfied with the content of the training, you will be immediately refunded* after receiving your request by email at: [email protected]

*Provided you have watched less than 10% of the training, i.e., one video module. Our team will conduct checks.

Your training


Exceptionally $850€ $399
For a limited time.

After completing your training, you will receive:

After completing your training, you will receive:

- Teaching of this holistic method with a complete training video (in French with English subtitles) and a detailed 55-page PDF manual.

- Step-by-step presentation and overall review.

- Explanation of the physical and psychological properties of the essential oils used.

- Detailed teaching of craniosacral therapy and cranial osteopathy.

- A certificate to practice in a clinic or privately in a family setting. You can contact us at the end of the training to receive your certificate.

- Support and assistance from the Federation's team to answer your questions and help you develop your practice.

Obtenez votre certificat numérique

Suite à votre formation vous obtiendrez :

- Enseignement de cette méthode holistique avec une vidéo de formation complète (en français sous-titré anglais) et un manuel PDF détaillé de 55 pages.

- Présentation étape par étape et révision globale.- Explication des propriétés physiques et psychiques des huiles essentielles utilisées.

- Enseignement détaillé du crânio-sacral et de l’ostéopathie crânienne.

- Obtention d’un diplôme pour pratiquer en cabinet ou en privé dans un cadre familial.

- Support et accompagnement par l’équipe de la Fédération pour répondre à vos questions et vous aider à développer votre activité.

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Swiss Holistic Medicine Institute


Contact Form

+41 22 348 64 21

Rue de Chêne Bougeries 29 - 1224 Chêne Bougeries, Switzerland