Become a Global Reconnexion teaching partner

Are you a therapist, trainer, or a school specializing in one of the therapeutic techniques listed below?

Have you created your own method, or are you teaching a method that is not yet listed here?

Do you offer courses in person or online?

Expand your visibility for free to a relevant audience by offering your courses.

Devenez partenaire enseignant de Global Reconnexion

Vous êtes thérapeute, formateur ou une école spécialisée dans l'une des techniques de soins thérapeutiques ci-dessous ?

Vous avez créé votre méthode, ou transmettez une méthode, qui ne serait pas encore listée ici ?

Vous proposez des enseignements en présentiel ou en ligne ?

Étendez votre visibilité gratuitement auprès d'un public pertinent en proposant vos formations.

Don't waste time!Don't waste time!

Only one person will be selected per module.

Please make sure to read the instructions and

conditions carefully in order to submit your application correctly.

Instructions and Examples

Please fill out the form below and include a transfer link (WeTransfer, SwissTransfer, etc.) containing a 2-minute teaser presenting your training, as well as a full video of a part of your training (or a mini-training created for this format) lasting approximately 1 hour to 1h30 maximum, illustrating your expertise in the field you are offering for sale (horizontal format required).

In your message, please provide a short description of your training (see current examples).

Important: please ensure that you include your contact details at the end of your training video (not the teaser), as they will not appear under your teaser. Only your name and reviews will be displayed.

You may draw inspiration from the teasers and training already available on the platform. Your training should contain 90% training content and 10% communication about your activity, to promote your course.

If you are offering a training on nutrition, you will present in a 1-hour to 1h30 video the basics of your discipline from a specific angle. The content should be useful and instructional but should also encourage the viewer to complete this training with you.

If you are offering a training in massage, you can reveal some techniques of the method to encourage viewers to discover more with your complete course.

Terms and conditions

If a discipline appears in the form, it means that no training has been proposed in this field yet. Submit your training quickly, as only one professional per discipline will be selected.

If you want to propose a training that is not yet categorized or one of your own creations, this is entirely possible. You will need to specify the proposed discipline in the form.

We will not ask you for any annual fee to keep your spot, nor will we take a commission on the sales of your training that you will benefit from through us. The integration and distribution of your training on our platform are also completely free.

Reviews may be given by learners and your clients, which will generate a star rating under your module.

You will be able to send a link to collect reviews from past and new clients.

The only condition we require is to have a minimum level of activity. We will review this annually, and you cannot remain listed if you have no reviews or if they are negative. We are committed to maintaining a platform offering high-quality, professional training.

To not miss the train...

If your videos (teaser and/or mini-training) are not ready yet, you can still submit your registration, specifying in the form that you will send them to us soon.

This way, we secure your spot in your discipline while we review all applications, to avoid another selection and ensure your choice is still available.

Please note: your videos must be sent to us within two weeks after your registration.

If you need an additional delay, please specify it in your message.

Are you having difficulty sending us your videos or filling out the form?

Swiss Holistic Medicine Institute


Contact Form

+41 22 348 64 21

Rue de Chêne Bougeries 29 - 1224 Chêne Bougeries, Switzerland