
The 5 Continents Massage Federation

A solar consciousness expansion!

It acts on the physical body, energy, emotions, and soul, using Quantum Energy and Sound Therapy.

Discover the power of energy healing and dive into the fascinating world of energetic care, where quantum energy meets sound therapy. This unique training opens the doors to a transformative practice, unlocking the unlimited potential of healing and well-being.


In the physical and energetic body, the blockages, tensions, pains, and knots of memories that prevent one from being free and radiating in their incarnation, like a sun.


Vital energy, on the physical and energetic level, by stimulating its inner fire.


To rebalance the masculine and feminine with the harmonization of the two cerebral hemispheres.


a cellular regeneration of the body and generates an energetic vortex, resonating with the vibration of unlimited love.

both cerebral hemispheres, improving mental performance and stimulating self-healing capacities.


a wonderful grounding and a connection to one's light body.

Gives birth

to a new multidimensional field, by opening access to the infinite quantum space of possibilities.

Découvrez la raison d'être de la formation

Découvrez le pouvoir de la guérison énergétique et plongez dans le monde fascinant du soin énergétique, où l'énergie quantique rencontre la sono-thérapie.

Cette formation unique vous ouvre les portes à une pratique transformatrice, libérant le potentiel illimité de guérison et de bien-être.

Discover more about the training...

What you will learn...

- Learning the specific magnetic gestures required for this treatment

- Learning mudras and Kundalini breaths for the Sungate meditation part

- Guided meditation for cleansing the vital centers

- Teaching sacred frequencies that will be used during the treatment

This immersive experience will provide you with all the tools and knowledge to start your practice. No massage table is needed to perform this treatment.

At the end of this training...

- Your training certificate as a Sungate practitioner from the Federation

- Meditation Audio: A guide to extend your personal radiance

- Binaural Track: An essential tool for your sound therapy sessions

- Intensive Training with a technical video, a method video, and a detailed course manual.


14 days to prove that this training is really worth it.

To reassure you about the quality of our online course, we’ve decided to offer you the opportunity to test the training for 14 days and decide if it meets your expectations.

If you are not satisfied with the course content, you will be immediately refunded* upon receiving your request via email at: [email protected]

*Provided that less than 10% of the course has been viewed, meaning one video module. Our team will perform verifications.

Your training


$399 or 3x$133‏‎

Following your training, you will receive...

- Your certification as a Sungate practitioner with the Federation. You can contact us at the end of the training to receive your certificate.

- Meditation Audio: A guide to extend your personal radiance.

- Binaural Track: An essential tool for your sound therapy sessions.

- Intensive Training with a technical video, a method video, and a very detailed course manual.

Suite à votre formation vous obtiendrez...

- Votre diplôme, et devenez agréé et référencé comme praticien Sungate auprès de la Fédération

- Audio de Méditation : Un guide pour prolonger votre rayonnement personnel

- Piste Binaurale : Un outil essentiel pour vos séances de sono-thérapie

- Barre de Son Binaurale (en option) + Sac de Transport (valeur 117€) : Pratiquez où que vous alliez

- Accès Exclusif à la Plateforme M5C : Rejoignez une communauté de praticiens accrédités

- Formation Intensive avec une vidéo technique, une vidéo de la méthode et manuel de cours très détaillé.

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Swiss Holistic Medicine Institute


Contact Form

+41 22 348 64 21

Rue de Chêne Bougeries 29 - 1224 Chêne Bougeries, Switzerland