2 unique treatments that allow you to finally experience the life you deserve and 8 essential abundance codes that provide access to infinite possibilities.
The healing part releases blockages and limiting beliefs anchored in the physical and energetic body, reconnecting to the strength of the Earth and the Universe, stimulating creative and vital power.
This treatment increases vibrational resonance and reactivates the body's energy, amplified by a blend of 38 essential oils to re-harmonize the chakras and synchronize the quantum field.
In the coaching part, each code is accompanied by exercises to integrate the lesson, release recurring patterns, and make decisions to move forward in life. A specific self-hypnosis technique will be taught to connect with the subconscious and unlock traumas and limiting patterns.
The Vibecodes training is structured for quick acquisition. Many practitioners have been able to integrate this technique into their offerings shortly after completing the training, thanks to the course materials, photos, and videos.
La partie soin libère les blocages et croyances limitantes ancrés dans le corps physique et énergétique et reconnecte à la force de la Terre et de l’Univers, stimulant la puissance créatrice et vitale. Ce soin augmente la résonance vibratoire et réactive l'énergie du corps, amplifié par une recette de 38 huiles essentielles pour réharmoniser les chakras et synchroniser le champ quantique.
Dans la partie coaching chaque code est accompagné d’exercices pour intégrer la leçon, libérer les schémas récurrents, et prendre des décisions pour progresser dans la vie. Une méthode spécifique d'auto-hypnose sera enseignée pour se connecter à son subconscient et débloquer les traumas et schémas limitants.
L’enseignement de Vibecodes est structuré pour une acquisition rapide.
De nombreux praticiens ont pu intégrer cette technique dans leur offre peu de temps après la formation, grâce aux supports de cours, photos et vidéos.
Complete manual of 143 pages, with step-by-step presentation and an overall review.
- Overview of the treatment
- Detailed teaching of the 8 success integration codes for accessing abundance
- Practical application (with review boards)
- Presentation of essential oils
Introduction: 52 minutes
Code 1: 38 minutes
Video 1st treatment: 5 minutes
Code 2: 54 minutes
Code 3: 19 minutes
Meditation hypnosis: 63 minutes
Code 4: 28 minutes
Code 5: 25 minutes
Code 6: 49 minutes
Code 7: 49 minutes
Code 8: 1h 17 minutes
Video 2nd treatment: 33 minutes
TOTAL: 8.2 hours
14 days to prove that this training is really worth it.
To reassure you about the quality of our online course, we’ve decided to offer you the opportunity to test the training for 14 days and decide if it meets your expectations.
If you are not satisfied with the course content, you will be immediately refunded* upon receiving your request via email at: [email protected]
*Provided that less than 10% of the course has been viewed, meaning one video module. Our team will perform verifications.
Your training
Train at your own pace, from home
Lifetime access to coaching videos
Lifetime access to the PDF manual (without the care section)
$197 $150 or 2x$75
Your training
Train at your own pace, from the comfort of your home
Lifetime access to coaching videos
Lifetime access to healing videos
Lifetime access to the complete 143-page PDF manual
$297 $199 or 2x$99,50
- Teaching of this healing and coaching method, with two training videos to practice, as well as 12 coaching videos and a detailed 143-page PDF manual, including a step-by-step guide and a comprehensive review.
- Explanation of the physical and psychological properties of the essential oils used for this work.
- Detailed instruction on the 8 success integration codes to access abundance.
- Transmission of daily application tools, easy to adapt to transform your life.
- Issuance of a training certificate, allowing you to practice in a clinic or privately in a family setting. You can contact us at the end of the training to request your certificate.
- Ongoing support and assistance from our team to help you develop your practice.
- Enseignement de cette méthode de soin et de coaching, avec deux vidéos de formation pour s’entraîner, ainsi que 12 vidéos de coaching et un manuel PDF détaillé de 143 pages, avec une présentation étape par étape et une révision globale.
- Explication sur les propriétés (physiques et psychiques) des huiles essentielles utilisées pour ce travail.
- Enseignement détaillé des 8 codes d’intégration de succès pour accéder à l’abondance.
- Transmission des outils d’applications quotidiens, faciles à adapter pour transformer son existence.
- Obtention d’un certificat de formation, pour pratiquer en cabinet ou en privé dans un cadre familial.
- Support et accompagnement par notre équipe, pour vous aider à développer votre activité.